Story Jewelry©
With the Story Jewelry© line I wanted to create memories for people by designing custom jewelry that can be passed down from generation to generation. I was inspired to create this when my mother passed away. She was widowed and I was left with her engagement and wedding rings and other jewelry that meant so much to both of us. I couldn’t let those go.
Your fine jewelry (no costume jewelry please) is arranged on heavy hand wrought sterling silver to create a buckle or slip on belt piece measuring 2 1/8”x 1 ¼” and soldered permanently. Some of the jewelry (rings for example) are cut and flattened in order to make the most attractive layout. As you can see in the pictures I use approximately 4 pieces of jewelry, chain, or granulation (little balls of gold or silver) for each piece. A black leather belt is included and your Story Jewelry© is packed in an attractive wooden box. Any unused pieces are returned to the customer. $350 each buckle/concho
I can also custom design your own Story Necklace© or Story Bracelet© especially for you. I am insured for up to $240,000 so you can be assured that your precious jewelry is safeguarded. Price upon consultation.
Every time I wear my Story Jewelry© I think of my mom. (I also call it my Story Belt© because each piece brings to mind a story about that particular piece of jeweIry.) My daughter has a piece of my Story Belt© so she too can be close to her grandmother. She says she can see Grandma’s face every time she wears her belt buckle.
I want others to have the opportunity to feel close to those they love, to remember the events that inspired the keepsake and keep alive those memories more precious than gold.
For more information on your own Story Jewelry© please use the form at the bottom of the page to contact me.